Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Leading you to our world at SlashSupport...

SlashSupport staircase!!!

Leads to you to our version of some world cities, with Chennai being our headquarters. An interesting theme to furnish each of the 8 floors with beautiful posters reflecting the chosen cities and its lifestyle.

Monday, November 13, 2006

My first scribble!!!

This has taken its own time to come, but it finally has arrived. A want to be writer finding a space to express and keep his emotions safe, eternally!!! Eternal Till I Die, strange? Eternal is eternal, but to me it is only till I die!!! Which simply tells me (only me) nothing is eternal or invincible. Pessimistic? only if you look at it that way. I always consider myself an eternal optimist. Wow, one too many stresses - 'always', 'eternal'. But, that describes my Self.

I want to be here as often as possible, and hope to be so.